Monday, June 23, 2008


It was chosen the two teams that it goes to represent Brazil,Gabriel Niemietz (Hyoga) e Jéssica Campos (Pandy) .

Pandy and Hyoga

Thailand -Julaluk Lohanawakul and Jittraporn Distaprom

Germany-Anne Fischinger and Katharina Wehrmann

Italy-Nadia Baiardi and Martina Arnaldi

Spain-Maria Pérez Tomás and Nicólas Cabrerizo García

USA-Renee Gloger&Sonnya Paz

Denmark-Lisa Hvidberg e Liuwina Haeklund

Tersa Garcia Hernandez&Ingrid Alin Nava -Mexico

Singapore-Goh I Hwa &Gerald Tham

France-Salviani Laura &Auclair Cecile

Korean-Seung Yong .Kong &Kyeuong Min .Kong

Kikiwan &Naoki Shigure -Japan

はじめ まして 小百合 です!

Hello!I live in Japan,I'm Brazilian.I love anime,I want makea friends around the world,today I see SOUL EATER this anime is very fun.